的 Alabama Community College System office has switched to a new applicant tracking system, neo, the nation's largest provider of cloud-based talent man年龄ment software for the public sector and higher education. This system allows job seekers to:
- 搜索 and apply for positions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- 应用 from any location with internet access.
- Get live help from Customer Support, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. 到晚上7点.m.,中科.
- 应用 for several jobs without re-entering application information
- Receive notice when positions of interest become available.
- Check the status of their application at any time.
- Receive automatic receipts instantly on screen and by email, each time they apply.
Alabama Department of Human 资源 (ADHR) Summer Work Program part-time positions:
Eligible participants must be 年龄d 16-24 and have household income below 200% of the 2024 Federal Poverty Guidelines.
For more Alabama Community College System (ACCS) employment opportunities click here
Employment Disclaimer
Applications will be accepted only for current employment opportunities at Gadsden State Community College. Application packets are accepted for full-time positions only when a vacant position is posted. Application packets are accepted for part-time positions on a continuous basis.
Please submit a Gadsden State Community College Application for Employment and any other documents requested in the specific job announcement.
To request further information or assistance, contact:
Gadsden State Community College
Human 资源 Office
P.O. 227箱
Gadsden, AL 35902-0227
Phone: 256-549-8236
电子邮件: jobs@ytjskf.com
Equal Opportunity at Gadsden State Community College
Gadsden State Community College has filed with the Federal Government an Assurance of Compliance with all requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Regulation issued there under, to the end that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or 活动 sponsored by this institution.
It is the official policy of the Alabama Community College System, including postsecondary institutions under the control of the Board of Trustees, that no person in Alabama shall, on the grounds of race, color, disability, 性, 宗教, 信条, national origin, 年龄, or other classification protected by Federal or State law, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program, 活动, or employment.
Alabama Talent Triad
的 Alabama Talent Triad is an online platform sponsored by Governor Kay Ivey's Office of Education and Workforce Development to bring together job seekers and prospective employers throughout Alabama. All community and technical colleges in Alabama participate in the Triad.
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